Sage contains flavonoids which are plant compounds that have medicinal properties. Studies have shown compounds appear to improve brain health and guard against diseases like Dementia and Alzheimer's. In a study involving mice, sage extract improved memory.
In other studies, sage helped against anxiety and depression. It also helps with digestive troubles, soothing upset stomachs, and calming to the gut and mind.
Clears Negative Energy.
Positive ions can build up around us and can block our electromagnetic fields! These positive ions can block our energy and leave us lethargic, agitated, and prevent our positive flow from receiving desirable outcomes. By burning sage, negative ions are released which will neutralize the positive charge and the eb and flow of positivity will be restored!
Rids the Air of Bacteria
Scientists have studied the cleansing elements of sage and found that when this herb is burned, it can clear around 94% of bacteria out of the air. It's a great idea to burn sage in your house, car, workspace weekly to purify your air quality!
Sage also helps keep pesky bugs and mosquitos away. You can sage your house to keep them out and even keep it burning outside near you, or throw some in your firepit when your enjoying the outdoors! Woo hoo!! now you can leave that toxic calamine lotion on the store shelves where they belong!

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Photo by Dominika Roseclay from Pexels